Monday, November 10, 2008

We Saw, We Ran, We Killed...

So apparently, when you live on the first floor of an apartment building, there are some things you should expect. First, there will be cockroaches. Second, you may see a cute little lizard running along your wall every once and awhile (we named him Frank). Finally, HUGE KILLER SPIDERS THAT TRY TO ATTACK YOU AND LAY THEIR EGGS IN YOUR TOWEL!!!!!! So here is what happened. Laura was casually drying off her hair, after her lovely shower. She looked up, and who was there to greet her? A HUGE KILLER SPIDER THAT TRIES TO ATTACK YOU AND LAY ITS EGGS IN YOUR TOWEL!!!! Now, on a normal day and with a normal spider, Laura would kill it herself, with her bare hands, but this was no ordinary spider. So, she tried to get Zach's attention. At this point, the spider decided to run across the wall into the kitchen. Conveniently, we have way too many doors in our apartment. So, we went to the kitchen through the shower/bedroom door, with mop and toilet brush in hand, ready for a fight. From a distance the spider saw we were coming and ran back into the bathroom, through the kitchen/bathroom door. The first attack was made here, but it was unsuccessful. The HUGE KILLER SPIDER THAT TRIES TO ATTACK YOU AND LAY ITS EGGS IN YOUR TOWEL continued to run. Attack number two and number three were still unsuccessful to kill this beast.

It then ran through our bathroom/shower door trapping Zach in a corner. In a panic state of rage Zach stabbed with the mop...
It charged!
Zach retreated then stabbed one last time..
The battle had ended with that blow. We were safe again... at least untill the next HUGE KILLER SPIDER THAT TRIES TO ATTACK YOU AND LAY ITS EGGS IN YOUR TOWEL comes around. The only advice we recieved from our Taiwanese friends was, "With the next spider, be careful, because it may be pregnate, and when you smash it the babies will run everywhere.".................. awesome.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, that is a huge spider! And secondly, you make no mention of being naked while trying to kill the spider which is the especially funny part.